The Latin word “Auctus” is synonymous with the terms: Growth and Increase. We invest in companies with high growth potential and work with our new partners to increase their market share, while getting them ready for the next stage of their business.

How Our Team Contributes to Growth

We invest in businesses we know we can help. In fact, Auctus’ founders have personally invested seed dollars in the 7-figure range and have a clear interest in the success of the owners, operators and companies with whom we invest.

    Our portfolio includes companies that have the following characteristics:
  • Technical advantage
  • Innovative and/or disruptive technology
  • Products/Devices with strong adoption potential and broad appeal

The Auctus Advantage

We understand what it is like to build and run a business, having successfully launched and exited several profitable ventures of our own. Our portfolio consists of clients who have been in business for 3-5 years, have a viable product or technology, and are looking to strengthen their management team, attract new talent, and secure capital for the next phase of their business.

    Successful outcomes or exits could include:
  • The next round of venture funding
  • A joint venture with a strategic partner
  • Cross-border deal
  • International expansion
  • An acquisition where our client is on the buy or sell-side of the deal